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If you had been in his place, would you have recognized Him?

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Bestselling author in his country home, Tony Gratacós steps for the first time into the english-speaking market with the publishing of A Thief's Song. The book, a riveting fiction of the infamous Good Thief who died along Jesus of Nazaret on the Calvary. is sure to leave a lasting impact among readers. Its emotional account of the life of Dismas and the ultimate reasons for his sudden redemption amid the worst of torments, will leave no one indifferent. Why did he recognize Jesus as the Saviour?

Trying to come up with answers to difficult and tricky questions comes along with his nature as a writer. He graduated in Journalism from the University of Navarra and furthered his studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), specializing in screenwriting and production. He has held significant roles at different entertainment companies (Antena 3 TV in Spain  and The Walt Disney Company, where he contributed to the launch of Disney Channel Iberia as Director of Programming and Production).

His literary career began after autopublishing his first novel. The book, an alternative fiction on the first roundabout of the world, was very well received, raising the eyebrows of the major Spanish publishing houses, who went on a spree to secure the rights of the fiction and its author. The novel, titled Nadie Lo Sabe, ended up published with Destino, one of the prestigious banners of the Planeta Group. With his second novel, Todos Sabrán Mi Nombre (2024), he went so far as to decode the controversial figure of Hernán Cortés, conqueror of Mexico. Was he a God or a devil?

Although A Thief’s Song is his  first adventure in the english market, Tony is well acquainted with it, as he completed his high school education in New York.

Tony lives in Madrid with his wife, their five children, and Pancho, their dog.

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about Nadie Lo Sabe 


"Un thriller apasionante"


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